Monday, April 4, 2011

Procedure of assuring translation quality

Acquiring perfection is impossible in translation, so it becomes necessary for translation service providers to assure the translation quality to be as best as it can get. Translation is something that won’t ever receive a nod of 100%, you are most likely to receive objections and complain about the words used or phrasing or grammar of the translation because of personal priorities and preferences and different backgrounds.

If you are looking for one of the simplest procedure to maintain the quality you should follow the given three steps for each and every single translation project whether it is large or small:

Step one – Carrying out translation job

  • The job shall be assigned to the most suitable person who can handle the translation quality.
  • He must be a native speaker of target language and must be aware of the style, tone and grammar of source and target languages.
  • Translation job shall be carried out in such a manner that it shall sound as the content has directly been written and not translated from any other language. In short, target content shall sound natural rather than artificial.
  • Translation shall be in accordance with the end users’ needs and priorities as described by the client.
  • A big translation project shall not be assigned to a newbie because fresh professionals lack concentration and the quality deteriorates as the work progresses.

Step two – Editing the work

  • The translated content shall be thoroughly checked by another competitive and eligible translator.
  • This translator shall not have any connection with his predecessor to ensure the impartiality and objectivity.
  • He shall check the translated content regarding spellings, grammar, style, context and tone of the source document.
  • He shall point out major mistakes and take notes about the weaknesses and shall notify the previous translator about these mistakes so as to avoid them in future.

Step 3 – Internal Monitoring and Checks

  • Check the formatting of the target document that it is in accordance with the client’s needs or if there are no distinctive instruction as to the formatting then formatting shall be the mirror image of source document.
  • Look for any typos, spelling mistakes, missing content, consistency of translation and images and graphs that they are perfectly well handled.

By applying these steps, you will be able to provide better and accurate translation services.

About Author:

Muawiyah Haider is an expert article writer, works for professional Arabic translation agency OLS.  For more information please visit our website: Professional translation.

Copyright: Any one can republish this article provided that the text, active links, author name, and this notice remain intact.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Translation – A teacher

Many will argue that every profession is a teacher itself. A person whatever his profession is learns from it as the time passes and he gains experience. But in my view when it comes to learning from a profession there is no profession better than providing translation services.

There are lots of things that a person learns from translating job but I will highlight only few significant aspects:

  • It improves communication skills of a person to a great extent. He learns the way how to phrase his sentences in a more effective manner. The impact of his communication increases. I don’t want to say that he becomes marketing personnel but still lots of things improve. He realizes what to say in which situation, which word he should use in this situation and which he should not. And this happens because of the versatility of translation documents and the nature of projects.
  • Vocabulary increases of both the target and the source language. Sometimes a person doesn’t know the meaning of a word or sometimes he knows literal meaning of a word but that doesn’t go with the document scenario at all. So, he looks up in the dictionary for synonymous words and finds out new word which suits accordingly and hence increases his vocabulary.
  • It increases the knowledge and expertise of different word processing and other related softwares and IT environments. Sometimes a client asks the project to be done in particular software which helps translator to develop his knowledge about that software. Moreover, translator also learns about new features of the softwares he is currently using. Your typing speed also increases.
  • It is a bit odd to say but yes it increases general knowledge. A translator acquires general knowledge from different types of projects and documents. As he has to translate the document so he must comprehend the context which results in increase of general knowledge. Now I know about many diseases and their causes and how to prevent them, I also know traffic rules and signs better than before and I am also aware of cigarette brands and their nature and consumption. Thanks to my profession.
  • Normally translation projects have to meet deadlines so a translator develops the habit of being punctual and regular.

About Author:

Muawiyah Haider is an expert article writer, works for professional Arabic translation agency OLS.  For more information please visit our website: Professional translation.

Copyright: Any one can republish this article provided that the text, active links, author name, and this notice remain intact.

Translation – A teacher

Many will argue that every profession is a teacher itself. A person whatever his profession is learns from it as the time passes and he gains experience. But in my view when it comes to learning from a profession there is no profession better than providing translation services.

There are lots of things that a person learns from translating job but I will highlight only few significant aspects:

  • It improves communication skills of a person to a great extent. He learns the way how to phrase his sentences in a more effective manner. The impact of his communication increases. I don’t want to say that he becomes marketing personnel but still lots of things improve. He realizes what to say in which situation, which word he should use in this situation and which he should not. And this happens because of the versatility of translation documents and the nature of projects.
  • Vocabulary increases of both the target and the source language. Sometimes a person doesn’t know the meaning of a word or sometimes he knows literal meaning of a word but that doesn’t go with the document scenario at all. So, he looks up in the dictionary for synonymous words and finds out new word which suits accordingly and hence increases his vocabulary.
  • It increases the knowledge and expertise of different word processing and other related softwares and IT environments. Sometimes a client asks the project to be done in particular software which helps translator to develop his knowledge about that software. Moreover, translator also learns about new features of the softwares he is currently using. Your typing speed also increases.
  • It is a bit odd to say but yes it increases general knowledge. A translator acquires general knowledge from different types of projects and documents. As he has to translate the document so he must comprehend the context which results in increase of general knowledge. Now I know about many diseases and their causes and how to prevent them, I also know traffic rules and signs better than before and I am also aware of cigarette brands and their nature and consumption. Thanks to my profession.
  • Normally translation projects have to meet deadlines so a translator develops the habit of being punctual and regular.

About Author:

Muawiyah Haider is an expert article writer, works for professional Arabic translation agency OLS.  For more information please visit our website: Professional translation.

Copyright: Any one can republish this article provided that the text, active links, author name, and this notice remain intact.

Saturday, April 2, 2011